Crawl-Through Obstacle Course
Wired Cave Formations
Built To Teach Safe and Smart Caving

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Volunteer With The Cave

Cave Crew
It can take up to two hours to set up The Cave for rescue seminars, education outreach programs, and other events, but with the help of eager cavers, friends, and computer geeks, The Cave set-up can happen in minutes!  If you think you can spare fifteen minutes or even a few hours on weekends or week days to help move The Cave around, we'd love for you to join our Cave Crew of volunteers.

Cave Educators
Because we are also capable of presenting cave education programs for beginning cavers, we also need volunteers who enjoy working with youth and the young at heart.  Volunteer Cave Educators can expect to learn interactive games and activities to teach beginning cavers about everything from bats to cave formations.

To Volunteer
If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, contact Dave at
Type "CaveSim Volunteer" as your subject
Include the following information in your message:
How did you hear about The Cave?
Would you prefer to volunteer with The Cave Crew or be a Cave Educator?
What days of the week are you most free to volunteer?
Are mornings, afternoons, or evenings better for you?
Include your name, email, and phone number and we'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Thanks for thinking about volunteering your time with The Cave!